22/00530/HOU, Keith Jones, (retrospective) rear conservatory with double doors on one side and lighting and heating inside. Area surrounding the conservatory to be paved, 17 Wheatland Close.
22/00571/HOU, Richard Brennan, build conservatory at rear of property, 16 Wheatland Close.
22/00982/TPO, Roger Williams, tree works, Cartref Sutton, Wood Lane.
22/00346/FUL, Craig Tickner, construction of first floor extension to existing garage; formation of carport; use of first floor of garage structure as two holiday letting rooms, Fairlawn, Station Road.
22/00605/HOU, Mr and Mrs Latouf, replacement glazing and roof to existing rear conservatory, Devonia, Rareridge Lane.
22/00628/LDP, Rebekah Keeler, existing roof removed, lifted and flat roof added, 5 Brooklands Road.
22/00588/HOU, Mr and Mrs Clarke, two storey rear extension and single storey rear extension, 10 Spring Lane.
22/00609/HOU, Andrew Brooks, front porch extension; rear ground floor extension replacing existing conservatory; rear first floor dormer extension to include balcony, 35 Church Lane.
22/00670/HOU, Mr James Meadows, single and two storey extensions and associated alterations to dwelling, 12 Spring Lane.
22/00624/HOU, Diederik Bulters, two storey extension to front elevation, two single storey outbuildings, three bay carport and associated landscaping, Cheniston, Compton Street.
22/00685/HOU, Mr and Mrs Ashton, rear single-storey extension, replacement porch, internal alterations, new fenestration and hard landscaping, with detached single garage, Sunnyside, Pearson Lane.
22/01051/TPO, Sarah Kiss, tree works, S'accomodi, 1A Grove Road.
22/00647/HOU, Emma Gallimore, UPVC conservatory with dwarf walls and french doors added rear of property with side gate relocation, 33 Lowland Road.
22/00690/LDP, Peter Faull, construction of single storey rear extension within rear garden, Netherwood, 9 Hawthorn Road.
22/00722/OUT, Amy Hopkins,facilitation of land into five serviced plots for custom/self build housing, land south of School Lane.
22/00951/FUL, Mr and Mrs Church, proposed new dwelling on garden land at 1 Catways.
22/00819/FUL, Richard Wickins, development of seven dwellings and the formation of a new vehicular access, land to the east of Burnet Lane.
22/00697/HOU, Miss Linda Gibson and Mr Matthew Morton, single storey rear extension, 39 Priors Dean Road.
22/01058/TPO, Mr Wall, tree works, Berkswell, Rewlands Drive.
22/01061/TPC, Caroline McAulay, tree works, 3 Church Lane.
22/01022/TPC, Mr Patston, tree works, Bluebell Cottage, Duke Street.
22/00504/HOU, Mr Hubble, erect tennis practice wall and lay 1/4 astroturf court in the garden at Arle House, Ladywell Lane.
22/00945/TPC, Mrs Smith, tree works, 3 Arlebury Park House, Arlebury Park.
22/00946/TPC and 22/00949/TPC, Mr Hussey, tree works, Honeysuckle Cottage, 42 Pound Hill.
22/00991/TPC, Mr Wood, tree works, 12 Bell Inn West Street.
22/01054/TPO, Mike White, tree works, 8 Ullswater Grove.
22/01065/TPO, Chris Matthews, tree works, 10 Fair View.
22/00704/FUL, Mr and Mrs Gibbs, construction of single dwelling with associated landscaping and parking, following demolition and removal of existing buildings and structures, Totford Saw Mill, Totford Lane.
22/00587/HOU, Mr and Mrs Bargh, additional storey to a bungalow with extension to the rear, and single storey side extension, 18 Mount View Road.
22/00661/HOU, Richard Foster, conversion of an existing integral garage into a bedroom and utility room with a internal door linking the rooms. Replacement of the existing metal door, with UPVC double glazed and brickwork A small frosted UPVC window on the western elevation wall of
22/00933/TPO, applicant not named, tree works, 1 Barley Fields, High Street.
22/00699/HOU, Mrs Doran, demolition of existing conservatory and replacement extension constructed with mansard roof. Existing porch demolished and replaced with a new oak porch with windows. Revised fenestration and internal alterations, Invicta, Heath Road.
22/01050/TPC, Andrew Page, fell ash trees, Woodrows, Church Lane.
22/01024/TPO, Steve Ward, tree works, Hampton House, Hampton Farm Lane.
22/00700/FUL, Mike Jarvis, change of use from residential bungalow to office, demolition of domestic garage, minor alterations to fenestration and removal of chimney, Silver Springs, Fontley Road.
22/00931/TPC, Dr Sanjay Patel, tree works, The Old Stables, 140 St Cross Road.
22/00604/HOU, Mr and Mrs Duncan, single storey pitched roof extension to the west elevation, 8 Wolvesey Terrace.
22/00607/HOU, Mr and Mrs Steele, reinstatement of a pedestrian entrance gate with piers within existing boundary wall; alteration of new automated vehicular gate; alterations to the entrance steps that lead onto the driveway, 1 Beaufort Road.
22/00611/HOU, David Ferguson, replacement of current pitched roof: replacement of felt and battens; replacement of concrete tiles with slate, excluding area covered by current black solar panels, which will be integrated into the roof. All current grey aluminium fascias and gutters will be retained, 54 Cheriton Road.
22/00627/AVC, Andy Brook, existing Clark's site to be updated with the new branding colour and logo - two Non illuminated fascia logos to be installed onto existing timer fascia. Shop front to be painted black and soffits to be painted white, 113-114 High Street.
22/00635/LDP, Matthew Hodgson, hip to gable roof conversion and box dormer for a loft conversion, 11 Vernham Road.
22/00636/HOU, Mr and Mrs Duncan, replacement pitch roof tiles and vertical tile hanging, 8 Wolvesey Terrace.
22/00645/HOU, Mr Croft, two storey side extension to provide a domestic lift, en suite bathroom to the main bedroom and a ground floor study, Downlands, Sleepers Hill.
22/00654/HOU, Mr and Mrs Street, demolition of the conservatory. Single storey rear extension. First floor side extension over the existing garage and a covered link from the house to the garage. Formation of an enclosed porch entrance. The external facade of the property is to be replaced with
22/00994/TPC, applicant not named, tree works, 9 Archery Lane.
22/00708/FUL, Dominic Ormonroyd, conversion of the existing 10 person sui-generis hostel into six new flats, 29 City Road.
22/00713/HOU, Clio Padovani, single storey rear extension and internal remodelling, Mary Land, 9A Bereweeke Avenue.
22/00714/HOU, Mr Browning, construction of a double garage and additional access point, Rutland House, 11 Park Road.
22/00731/HOU, George Green, proposed replacement of two existing skylights to rear facade with two dormer windows (to match dormers on front facade), 12 North View.
22/00743/HOU, Katie Richardson Ditchfield, a new loft extension to match the adjoining loft extension, 40 Fairfield Road.
22/00783/HOU, Mr and Mrs Duncan, single flat roof extension, 8 Wolvesey Terrace.
22/00860/FUL, New Homes Team, change of use from former public house to residential. Demolition of 20th Century portion of the building. Two storey extension and refurbishment to create six one-bedroom flats with associated bin and cycle storage, Corner House, 71 North Walls.
22/00873/FUL, c/o Lynddon Blandford, wall between Marston Gate and North Walls - Take down up to 45 linear metres of leaning wall to specified levels by hand and reconstruct using the salvaged materials, to the same thickness, style and construction details as existing, Street Record, North Walls.
22/00927/TPO, Dr Mary Scanlan, tree works, 15 Grange Road.
22/00936/FUL, Mr Knibb, demolished current property and replaced with two pairs of semi detached dwellings, Little Green, Dell Road.
22/00939/TPC, Mrs Hayter, tree works, 12 Beaufort Road.
22/00944/TPC, Julian Gerry, pollarding of 239 lime trees located along the verges of roads on St Giles Hill, Uplands. 5 Highmount Close.
22/00980/TPC, Ben Laird, tree works, 7 Lansdowne Avenue.
22/00993/TPC, Elizabeth Ord, tree works, Christ Church, Christchurch Road.
22/01000/TPO, Ross Woodley, tree works, Pilgrims House, Sleepers Hill.
22/01034/TPC, Hudson, tree works, 19 Grange Road.
22/01035/TPO, Fairris, tree works, Wessex Skin Clinic, 9 - 10 Norman Road.
22/01036/TPO, Gordon, remove lime tree's lowest limbs, 28 Cornes Close.
22/01060/TPC, Kim Larcombe, tree works, Culver Cottage, Culver Road.
22/01066/TPC, Lloyd Rayner, remove three low handing branches from the cherry blossom in the corner of our garden, 4 Earlsdown, Northbrook Avenue.
22/00961/TPC, Mrs Lawlor, tree works, Michaelmas House, Weston Down Road.
22/01004/TPO, Darryl Stevenson, tree works, Wallers Ash, Old Stoke Road.
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